Saturday, December 23, 2006

In the begining (Yes, I know, its long.)

Hello, this is my very first post. ( If in some strange circumstance you happen to not notice this is my first post, I'm letting you know.) I am a connoisseur of great ideas, once I had one; I could have a online journal. And you know what? I now have one. I'm very proud of my little bloggy.
To keep my waiting crowd occupied in between the extremely excellent posts I though I could tell a story and update it each post. Is that a good idea or what? "It's a great idea!" the crowds rave. ( Don't let this seemingly ridiculous caption distract you from the truth. I am actually interpreting your subconscious thoughts.) There is only one insignificant problem; what shall the story be about? I mean there is thousands of things could write about. But for this fine bloggy I chose a story I've already started on. I know that sounds real cheesy. You think that I knew all along that I would put this story, but actually I didn't, I thought of it on the spurt of the moment. Now I can a another great idea to my "connoisseurings". Please note, this story is not finished neither is it the final draft. If the story seems a little weird it is not your own mind (As would be normal.) It's suppose to be that way.

The Body
The small gray birds flew from the wooden park bench to the maroon color-coded maple trees. The small aesthetic trees, which were lining a concrete sidewalk, were no longer an available selection so the birds vacated to some nearby bushes. Sadly the hedge was also in close proximity to a path, which was sadly inhabited by the horrible “joggers”. The wildlife was enormously disturbed by these environmentally inclined exercisers. (The birds flew away again).
There was one who was not disturbed by the joggers. This man sat, rather collapsed, on the bird’s former habitation, the park bench. The majority of health-conscious joggers running past had dreamed how if they were to become respected “exercise instructors” they would consult him on his physical condition. Which meant they would inspire him to wake up, get on some tight fitting “exercise pants”, and start doing more cardio-vascular beneficial action.
The indignant grandma who was “simply getting some fresh air” became exceedingly aghast when she saw his lopsided way of exploiting up the whole bench. This act was a direct violation of her imperative code of conduct. The old grandma gave a tremendous performance of clearing her throat; he didn’t budge, (Though she had planned on a exceptionally slow walk, the joggers had force her to participate in their fast MP3 set pace.) She, like the birds, was forced to move on.
Suddenly with a shudder spreading throughout his well-insul
ated body his left leg (which had been lolling over the back of the bench) swung to the ground meeting his right leg (which had been in the company of his right arm loitering upon the ground). When all the pieces fit, his large body slowly sat strait up.With small jerky movements he lifted his arm up towards his face. His untidy head gave the smallest of twitches as he tried to focus on his limp hand. Looking like a puppet, his head slumped forward looking over his large “for-front” at his other overstuffed hand. His neck soon twisted up looking around the park. After a good hard stare at a maroon leaf above him, he attempted to stand up. But no sooner than he started he sat down. He again tried to stand, but quickly sat down on his seat. He hurriedly repeated this unfruitful activity several more times.

-More to come-

The Lord is my strong tower. This is a pencil drawing I drew. I Like to draw. My brother thought I should post this.


ASourceOfJoy said...
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ASourceOfJoy said...

LOL, Levi - we like your "little bloggy." You really take the cake when it comes to humorous writing. ;-)

Had us all in stitches here and we're on the edge of our seats to hear what happens next in the story. :-P

Welcome to...BLOGGY WORLD!!

~Paul Half Dozen

(Still contemplating sackcloth and ashes here... ~A)

Anonymous said...

Well done, Levi! I like the black and white format-it's very sophisticated. What happens next in your story? :) ~Katie