Thursday, January 11, 2007

The human race, to which so many of my readers belong...

I'm going to think about putting some good quotations on the site. I thought about it. I decided too. My first quote is a very common one, but I think it's pretty cool. It's kind'a a quote/question: "Hello, how are you doing?"- pretty good huh? And here's the awesome reply: "Great!". To get us started on some more unusual quotes I thought I'd put one from a SciFi book. For a brief background: the hero has just escaped the badguys by getting in the engine compartment of this supertrain, he then released the passengers and lugguage, succesfully eleminating the badguys.

There, on the top car, was the lone figure of a Halka, standing strait and tall as he watched us pull away. His flat face was half covered by his oxygen mask, but his red/orange/purple Peerage fobes were unmistakable as they flapped gently in the breeze.
And as I watched, I saw him lift is fist defiantly in our direction. JhanKla, High Commisioner of the Halkas, Modhran walker, and undisputed mast of the engineless train that was even now coasting its way toward a silent, lonely deathe between the stars.
I wished him the joy of his victory.
I like that one. I like a lot of quotes. I normaly like one's that sound weird like: "Thy red lips, like worms, travel over my cheek." That's by someone by the name of Motherwell. Whoever he is. St. Jerome has some great sayings: "No one cares to speak to an unwilling listener. An arrow never lodges in a stone: foten it recoils upon the sender of it." or " Avoid, as the plague, a clergyman who is also a man of business." This is also a good one, "It is no fault of Christianity that a hypocrite falls into sin." The last is very interesting. Allot of people say,"Christians are just a bunch of hypocrites" Christianity isn't the problem, it's the solution. And one last quote "Neglect on your part does not merit emergency on my part."
The Children of Light
Part 2
Pulling on a piece of grass as he stood up, Arkhay looked down the empty road for what seemed the thousandth time. Something new was seen this time. A vast distance down the road the birds took to the sky. The number of birdless trees grew as a thin swarm of birded sky drew. The vague sensation kindled by the fleeing birds and the silent oaks became a lucid fancy as that of a noiseless guillotine, its razor sharp blade striking down on it’s unchangeable target.
Horse hooves sounded. Arkhay’s brow furrowed as he quickly stepped to the side the road. Aggelos, the long awaited visitor, did not come by horse. The animal was also coming much to fast for it to be the easy paced Prophet. Arkhay felt something was amiss. He jumped headfirst into the tall grass barely missing the vigilant eyes of a large black horse flying down the road. Arkhay glanced up as the rider’s dark face cast a watchful glance towards Arkhay’s side of the road. When surpassed, Arkhay jumped up to see the rider’s black cowl flip aside to reveal a curved sword thrust through his leathern belt.
Arkhay was now watching the black rider from the middle of the road. When suddenly the rider looked back. Arkhay feared he was spotted, but the black hooded rider’s head turned forward again and kept on riding strait. Unexpectedly the horseman carefully swerved to the right encircling one of the oaks. The rider turned his charge until it was now heading strait at Arkhay.
When Arkhay saw the rider coming after him he fearfully ran off the road, tripping over the wide ditch. He madly clawed the side of the ditch as the man who brought fear came closer. Arkhay effectively added the ditch to his meager defense of distance, and hastily dodged under the boards of the fence scraping his back.
White knuckles gripped the boards tightly as he faced the rider. Upon seeing the monstrous horse he knew it would be a futile attempt to run any further.
The man faced Arkhay and whispered, “Greetings from Aggelos, child”. His harsh voice sounding like cold wind scratching in the dead leaves.
Arkhay looked into the unearthly crow black eyes that glowed with hatred. A subtle smile crossed the stranger’s hardened face. His smoky hair interlaced with his coal black cloak.
“Do you know the Teleios household?” questioned the stranger.
Arkhay paused regaining courage, “I am one of them.” But the thought of his mother to have to receive this evil man disgusted him, so he added; “What message would you have me to bring them?”
The man clutched his reigns, “None, I come in Aggelos’s stead. I bring myself.”
“I am trusted by Aggelos, may I bring a message?” said Arkhay trying all attempts to dissuade the man.
The man ignored the statement and said; ”You need not wait for Aggelos.” He turned and slapping his black horse to continue on, the stuffed saddlebags flapping.
bye bye!

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