Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Herlo Again

I went to hear an accordion player today at an ol' folks home( I do not consider myself to be an oldie, but sometimes my mom says I am moving like a grandpa.) We know some people that help with a resident of the Home. The accordion player comes every month and they celebrate all the birthdays that have happened in that month. I got cake and ice cream :) . He was a pretty old guy himself, he probably lives in a Home. I live in a Home. But hey, I'm not like embarrassed about living in a Home. In fact I would be embarrassed to not live in a Home. Then I would be Homeless. Well, they're pretty cool too. I once saw a homeless lady out in front Kroger. She was eating lunch. Her lunch consisted of a jar of Mayonnaise. Yum, Yum. Also if you're a homeless guy someone like Batman might walk right up and buy your dirty jacket.
Since today is Ash Wednesday a bunch of the people had a little bit of ash on their foreheads. I didn't know what it was for at first, I thought maybe some kid had come in with his paintball gun and started spraying it around the room and they all got bruises or something. The grandmother our friends work for was kind of humorous. She was hard of hearing and a bit forgetful. I was trying to make conversation with her and I looked outside and said:
"It's so warm outside that the snow is melting."
She replied, "what?"
I repeated, "It's so warm that the snow is melting."
"Who's outside?"
"No, I said that it is so warm...etc."
So we spent quite a long time repeating the conversation starter over and over. We then started spelling out the words and stuff. Finally she understood(Hooray): "Oh, you're trying to say that it's so warm outside that the snow is melting."
"Yes" I smiled.
"Well why didn't you say so in the first place?"
Uhhh I was trying to.
God bless you all very much. Ask Jesus to show you things you would never think of asking for.
The Children of Light
Part 4
Not a sound was to be heard, but as he neared the mighty oaken door it was opened quickly and emitted the stranger that Arkhay had before seen strode quickly out, he passed Arkhay silently and walked down the steps.
Arkhay asked if his mother was in the tower. The Stranger didn’t reply but turned for the servants quarters.
Maybe her soul wasn’t in there but her body might be. Dashing in the door, Arkhay tread down the hall to his mother’s bedroom. Above him visible in the torchlight, the arched stone ceiling valiantly stood, the hewn rock towering on its shoulders. Glancing in the sitting room beside he saw no one. He quietly knocked his mother’s door. Now harder. Hearing no sound, he feared the worst. He burst open the door. Empty. Empty, as the heart of one who has drunken only that of worldly pleasures. Empty bottles with ever empty wells. Arkhay went from room aimlessly searching ever empty rooms, remembering that cold sword. That evil face. That terrible blackness of his cloak.

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