( Coin shown for size comparison.)
In case any of you look upon this seemingly minuscule piece of broken plastic with contempt, let me inform you of it's prestigious greatness. Not only is this piece of finely crafted plastic molded with an infinite amount of superb care, but it is also property of the notable and highly esteemed Volkswagen company. As Volkswagen after many long years has built a high reputation in the car industry, they would not dash their renowned class by buying a cheaply built crate. That is what this piece is from. (I sneakily got pictures of it on my brothers old cellphone.)

You can see in the top picture where I got my piece of this work of art. Now why I said sneakily was because me and my dad were in a warehouse with workers all about who might be suspicious of me taking pictures of a plastic crate.( It was a ceiling furnace we were working on and they lifted my dad up in the crate with that green forklift. Pretty neat I thought.) You now may be screaming with wonder on why I called it a Volkswagen. Well, I'll let you in on a little privy secret known exclusively to me (And other people who also know): On the bottom side of the crate was a small metal plaque which said Property of Volkswagen blah bla blah. So you see, I have a piece of something that is the property of Volkswagen, but hey, I take what I can get.
The Children of Light
Part 6
Arkhay again ran through the main hall again back to the front door. He swung it open only to reveal a vivid black night. Bravely he stepped onto the first step not unlike the feeling of a castaway suddenly feeling the lurch of the crate wherein he is hiding as it is thrown into the sea. The urge suddenly came to shut the door and brace it with all his weight, he resisted unfalteringly. Instead he reached back grabbing one of the torches that lined the main wall and set out confidently to find his mother. Knowing that if his mother was scared she might unknowingly run out of doors on this clouded moonless night without a candle she would fall into the Shadow of Death, as the cook had. He ran back to the gatekeep, Olam, who was sitting at the fireplace trying to keep warm while carving on a piece of maple wood.
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