Monday, June 11, 2007

Elvis was here!

(Not really) I was informed by a trusted source that Elvis has some very interesting "coincidences". As I'm sure you all know he was very influential in the previous generation. He was maybe the most famous singer of all time. It is a known by many that he sang songs. In fact, his career reach the climax when he made his best songs. I must tell you, even though he made a huge impact on our nation and on many others there is a seemingly sinister plot behind his name. Did you know, my friend, that using the same letters as are in Elvis you can spell Evils?! I think its a sign. Did you also know that spelling Elvis backwards spells Sivle and when you add a w and switch the L and E it spells Swivel?! And when you take out the I and add a E it spells Elves?!!!
I believe it is a clue.
A mystery.
A prophecy.
It all resides on something to do with Elvis and the evil swiveling elves. Think about a for a while. (Please ignore the fact that Elvis can also spell Levi.)

On a more serious note. My mom had a friend in college that scheduled an appointment with Elvis to talk with him about his salvation in Jesus. If I remember correctly they talked for a quite a while and he said that he did believe in Jesus and had gone to church when he was younger(Elvis used to be a christian singer before he went into the world). Just an interesting thought how like famous (or infamous) people now days are actually loved by God and need him. It would probably be a good idea to pray for them.

Sorry, no story today. God bless you.

Good hello.

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