Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm back.

I don't know if I'd go so far to say, "I'm back for good." but I'd definitely say "I'm back"

I'm doing a lot of stuff of late. I've been learning to witness and share my faith (some really great experiences). I've also been working with my brothers, doing school, and accordion practice. Recently (as of November) I started a month long marathon for writing a novel. There's this crazy challenge out there to write 50,000 words in the month of November. And there's these crazy people out there who actually take the challenge. And there's this crazy guy who wrote this message that took it. I've got a full plate, so to speak.
You can check out this website: Or you could go to this website: and check them out (I highly highly recommend them). Depending on which one you go to, you'll see some awesome graphics that I did. I'll let you guess which one.
If your interested in any of the things I mentioned, or anything else for that matter, drop me a message (I suppose that would include everybody if you were to be technical).

That's all for now.
God bless you with Him,

(There, I did it, now you can comment on my fantastic arrival JJ.)


J.J. Biddinger said...

Well, Levi, you did it - you've become the man that I never expected you to be.

Who'd have thought that scrawny little boy would mature enough to post a post?

Well, I can tell you this, his name didn't start with "JJ."

Otherwise, an adequate post there Levi.

J.J. Biddinger said...

Oh Levi, that was too mean of me.

Actually, I'm glad to see you make a post, and it was a very good one.

God bless, J.J.

Matt said...

Yo Levi! It's Matt! Nice blog! You will never guess how I got to it, and it wasn't throught that link that you sent me once; I lost that. Anyway, I just felt like replying to something on your blog, at 12:47 in the morning :).

Anonymous said...

Okay, so how did you get to his blog?

Levi Bendixen said...

I bet I know, Anthony. I bet he looked on my NaNoWriMo profile and saw my blog listed there. Either that or on my Rebelution profile. I'm not sure though.