Monday, December 29, 2008

Planting seeds!

Today I went for a bike ride/witness time. It was great to do. Praise God people were out so I could talk with them. You can read what happened over here. If you so desire to.

But if you don't desire to, you can read something here about my awesomest Christmasest everest. Do whatever you like. You can read one or the other, or, if you are daring, both. Feel free to spend your time how you want to. [Thinking of that. You don't know if the person you'll see in the grocery next week will live out the day. They could die in the night. Matter-of-fact YOU don't know if you'll live through the night. Don't you think it'd be a good idea to make sure that person at the grocery is going to heaven before they die before you die? It's a scary thought, and it should be. You don' t know if either of you are going to live another 24 hours. So why don't you make the best of it by spending your time wisely while making sure they're safe.] Whoa, that was quite the little blip. I wonder where that came from.

The Awesomest Christmasest Everest.
This Christmas we headed on over to my brother's new in-laws, the Biddingers. We had a great time playing games, opening presents, eating, wrestling (more details later), snacking, taking walks, doing JJ's paper route, reading the scripture, chewing gum (I didn't actually), and many other greatly fun things. We left fairly early on Thursday and and returned on Sunday night. The older children who are normally in college were there for Christmas and all. So that was a lot of fun. We ate lots of great food and enjoyed being family.
About the wrestling. It was terrible. I was horribly beaten when Andrew was holding me and crushing me and all sorts of awful stuff. My elbows still hurt from all of the painful carpet burns I got. I didn't do very good wrestling. Wait!! Excuse me. My mistake. I did awesome wrestling! I really showed Andrew who was boss. Haha! I beat him so stinkin' bad that he was forced to cling to worser things. He started pulling my hair, biting, spitting, pinching, tickling, and a bunch of other stuff. Man I beat him! Wow that was good. I can still show you the battle wounds from how fierce I was (on my elbows).
We also had church at their house. I was largely responsible for that, of course. I eloquently convinced the parents to offer the Biddenger home for church. And they fell for it! I put a lot in about how suffering is good and all great things that have happened have also had many hardships and seemingly important excuses. I told them the whole "All great triumphs have had great trials." bit. It worked out great. At first I didn't think I could pull it off, but, Praise God, they decided to have church. So some other families came and we had a great time singing praises and reading the Bible. I didn't have my accordion, so I was forced to sing the whole time (which was good).
Now I don't know, but I would presume that JJ will soon post about the Christmas time. He likes doing that kind of stuff. So you may be able to read more and see pictures.

I might also add that along with an awesome shark from Andrew and a sweet set of markers from JJ I also got a very nice Scofield study Bible and a great baseball glove (actually a softball glove, but that sounds like a softy and you know what I mean).

I hope you all had as great a Christmas as mine, but I know you didn't. So, God bless!


Anonymous said...

Haha, love the post, Levi.

And yes, I am about to post something on it!

God bless, J.J.

Anonymous said...

I, being the daring person that I am, did in fact, read both. Great work, by the way.

In Him,

Rachel said...

Yes... I dared to read both!
But some of it scared me! The fight sounds gruesome. All the scratching, biting, and pulling of the hair, Eek!
It sounds like Andrew was desperate!
I am Glad you had a good time. Hope to see you Sunday,
(I think")just as long as you still look like a person, after all you have been through.LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I've read the other one, but I'll probably come back tomorrow and read it. Seeing how late it is, LOL. Anyway, your wrestling matches sound worse than my brothers' and that's hard to beat. LOL
TTYl, "big brother." ;)

Anonymous said...

What a funny Christmas!