Friday, January 30, 2009

Half rant.

Half lyrics.
A tune I never made, but lyrics I wrote. That's what this is. I wrote this quite a long while ago while I was riding in the car with some thoughts traveling through my head. If the words are at all offensive or convicting, that's the purpose of a rant. Have fun!

Trapped, so many are. So easy. Few know it. It sets in with fury, clenching your mind. Infection sucking. Multiplied death. Whirlwind in windmill, snapping blades; it's food destroying. Young vine of the wood. Make a chair, no. Can't support a feeble man as a cane. Burn once, not twice. Ashes of no use. Disconnected bridge. Moldy meat. Cracked cart. People bored. They want entertainment. It is supplied in full. Pit fallen in by many. Videos long. Games with sound. By the lonesome. Congregating with decades of others caught by sitting in the grip of entertainment. Alive by self. Sitting with keyboard. Standing with controller. Killing a venom. Crashing with walls. Looking at women. It's a trap. Wasting all minutes of use. Slaying rightful works. Coughing out poison. Don't know what to do. Already decided to anesthetize with music. Mind numbed by addictive rock and roll. Not enough. Want more. Need less. Indulge in iniquity through sense of boredom. Relish amusement. What's its problem? Thoughts come to self. Its better than what could be done. No problems here, right? Is this YOU? Computer, phone, portable, Internet, game system, book, portable, news, pastime, this vile wheel of misfortune. It comes in varied facets. The evil jewel of worthless entertainment. Ponder your ways. Truth seek. Are you taking part? I easily can be. What is your God? That which is thought about most. Where is your heart? Caressing your computer. Replaying favorite movies. Tapping with that music. Hooked? Trapped? Handcuffed by that fake policeman of video games. If you don't think you are, try a test. Prove yourself. I dare you. Give it up. See if you can. Refrain for a week without thinking about it. Your mom made you do it? It's fake. Do it yourself. Stop your entertainment for a month. Where your treasure is, there is your heart. Fill that week with prayer. Listen to God, not me. You would rather think about which? God, or free Internet games. Do what is right, not what fells right. Grow in fruit and works. Change. Bible. Restore. Pray. Love God fully. Start immediately. Don't cheat yourself the wonderful.

I've been thinking about this idea more recently. As a product of my thinking, I think God wants me to take a "fast" from computer. I plan to unplug my monitor tomorrow and keep it off for at least a week. Hopefully I'll be able to pray, get some books read, art done, and a few other odds and ends (please note: books, art, and other things can also be needless entertainment.) If anyone else wants to fast from some form of entertainment, please do! Pray to God. Ask him what your heart's treasure is. Then tell me about it!

Also, you can read this article I wrote/compiled on t4e. It is about the validity of the Bible. I really recommend you all reading it as it was very encouraging and interesting for me to read myself. By the way, Matt wrote the part about non-contradiction. Thanks Matt!

Please remember to think and pray about the rant. What is your god/entertainment?


Anonymous said...

Hmm, very interesting, I think I like it, very different from what I write, but. :D

NOOOO You can't leave for a week! (oh, wait, I'm leaving for a week too.) LOL

Kevin Wegner said...

Excellent post Levi! I think we definitely need to here things like this from time to time. We need to step back and see what our life is about. I totally agree also that fasting from things like the computer can be very good in your Christian walk. Thanks for posting this!

In Christ,

Andrew Biddinger said...

Excellent post Levi! Very different kind of writing. I like it! See ya in a week!

Anonymous said...

Levi, that is really good. I fully agree with Kevin.

God bless, J.J.

Joshua said...

I tagged you Levi. The rules are at the bottom of my tagged blog post.

In Him,
Joshua :)