Hello everyone. I know it's been awhile, but I think that if we all get over our differences we could settle down for something good. We could all benefit by sitting down and reading a good old-fashioned blog post (Written by Levi). So kick back, relax, and try to not hurry because that's the way things should be.
Now I know that if I was to read the above I would quickly skim through all the words and forget about it. So, (wild radio announcer voice), You better buckle yourself in! This is going to be a high-octane blog post full of desperate twist and funky words! You won't know what hit you! You're just a heart beat away from the most exciting awesome trip of your life!
Part 1
Ski trip. We (JJ, Andrew, and I) were rudely awakened by my alarm clock at 4:30. Of course we ignored it. Finally we got up, ate some sugary Cinnamon rolls, and after a long series of events we went skiing. The fun things included: riding in the Heyworth's van, skiing, riding back in the Heyworth's van. On the way back we sang songs which was really hilarious because everyone was trying to be hilarious. I really enjoyed the day. God blessed with safety. I think I liked it a lot. Enough of that. The next day Ele, Andrew, JJ, and I went to fix the Robinson's furnace. Incidentally all we needed to do was press the red button (kinda' simple). We then had hot chocolate and cookies and talked all until, Dingaling, the cell phone rang. I had scheduled to go to Matt's house. Matt's mom is in a prayer group with my mom, so I met him from that. We eventually got over there, started a game, and then, Dingaling, the cell phone rang. We had scheduled to go to the Johnson's game night and ice skate time. I really enjoyed that. I was just sad I hadn't dressed up in my suit and tie like everyone else (not the girls, of course). Enough of that.
Part 2
I was looking at some verses in Isaiah that talked about God not wanting Israel to join in an alliance with Egypt. The Lord is saying that He is a better force to trust in. Isaiah 31:1 "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!" The Lord is warning the Israelites and telling them not to form this alliance. Do you understand the picture? Now, as many have noted before me, Egypt represents the Flesh in the Bible. Just like the Israelites in the promised land represent Christians, Egypt represents the flesh. So it got me thinking. It's like God was telling the Christian's to not form an alliance or agreement with the flesh; even when it was for a good purpose. What ways have Christians formed an alliance to bring about a good purpose? I think of fleshly rock music that is appealing to the flesh and it also talks about Jesus. It may serve a good purpose, but it is fleshly. What way's do you, do I, agree with fleshly things to "serve a better purpose"? I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say, if you don't, please leave a comment.
Part 3
I was thinking of writing a on-the-spot story. Something really short. Here goes!
The trees in the dark forest creaked against each other in the harsh winter wind as the moon's rays barely forced its way through a small slit in the clouds and rested upon a small boy. In his hands was a snow shovel; on his head was a thick knit hat, and in his heart was a warm memory. He stood below a tree staring through the black branches into the somber light of the moon. The snow lay on the forest floor spread out in all directions; like the flattened cloth of a beautiful dress. Giving a small sigh, the small boy gripped his large shovel and continued scooping the snow down the path. As was his lot, Soldin, was one of the many boys to chosen for the task. It was not necessarily a disliked job. The occasional traveler would often give them recompense for their service, but the lack of a home and shelter would often wear upon the small people. Soldin grunted as he lifted a large scoop of snow off the brick path. The walls of snow grew high on either side as more was heaped upon them. He looked as a silvery object fell from the load and landed on the snow in front of him. Soldin's mitten reached forward and picked up a small chain. Connected to the chain was a silver heart. Happy of his find, Soldin carefully set his shovel aside and held the pendant to his eye. He was struck with the fancy that when his breath touched the heart, it glowed. Soldin drew in a deep breath and exhaled onto the now glowing heart. Suddenly the heart exploded into a thousand shining shards cast about the ground, but in his hand, he held a creature. Soft grey fur covered the small creature's body. Its enchanted eyes looked into Soldin's. The two stared at each other as the creature began to purr. The creature's breathing grew louder and louder until it blow a cool breath into Soldin's face. He was gone. Soldin, the creature, and the pendant shards had left. The silent shovel lay against the bank of snow.
Wow, LEVI! That was a high-octane blog post full of desperate twist and funky words! It definitely beats the last one you did. hehehhe.
Levi, you have such a different perspective than me. Like, I wouldn't even consider the cinnamon rolls to be sugary. ;)
But I enjoyed reading your post!
Hmm, Levi, that's interesting, never heard the Egypt analogy, gonna have to think about that one.
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