Saturday, May 23, 2009

New digital camera!!!

[If you're  new here, there's more substantial, spiritual posts below (saving my hide.)]
 I stopped by a garage sale and lo and behold, there was a digital camera! Not your average digital camera either, this was a FOUR mega pixel camera. One of the good old ones, not any of this new-fangled ten mega pixel junk. It had a little, round sticker that said $15. I, being the old Scrooge, asked the lady if she would take $12 for it. She told her little boy to run up stairs and ask his sister (while I nonchalantly looked at the cookbooks) . He dutifully came back and said his sister would take $12. Handing the money to the lady and saying "thank you", I picked up the camera. She handed the money to her son and told him to take it to his sister, "She'll be happy to get that." And I happily went on my way biking down the streets with a marvelous, 3X zoom camera (with in-camera red-eye fix).  I spent the rest of the day experiencing new-digital-camera-overly-taking-picture syndrome. 

Here's a pic. of my pop (used with permission). 
A few good din-din shots.

My lovely grandma (notice the clock pendulum is out of place).
A good, well-earned yawn (notice the shirt from me.)
This is me taking a picture of Ele taking a picture of Mr. Bala taking a late picture of Barak blowing out his birday candle.
Num Num!
I got a little of the red frosting on my lips (you prob. can't see it for the blue.)
A pose with a rose.
A normal picture of normal Barak sitting normally on a normal chair.
Here's my gift to him (notice the bows stuck to the inside of the bag to make it look like I didn't just through it all in there because I didn't bag the presents early enough.)
He politely read some cards.
Then rushed to open my present!
He looked with glee upon the gift! (Don't notice that he's holding a card.)

He found my gift! We all cheered and applauded, maybe.

And that's what happened with my camera. I'd like to show you all what the camera looks like, but I had a really hard time taking a picture of my new camera using my new camera. The lens doesn't flex too much, so I couldn't twist it back on itself.

God bless your day (or night as the case may be). 

P.S. Barak turned twenty nine today. 


jjfortheking said...

Awesomeness! You have a camera! And it takes pictures! :D

Ryan Wegner said...

Great! Now you've got a camera! That's another person I'll have to keep my eye on to make sure there's no weird pictures of me :D I need to get one of them.

Great pictures! See ya tomorrah!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Levi!
Have fun with that!

Luke said...

Great pictures Levi!!!


Camden said...

Ah, the joys of a new digital camera. =)


Rachel said...

I'm so happy for you! :P

Anthony said...

*cough cough*

Are you a vampire?

Because the Buzz is that vampires don't have any MIRRORS in their houses. Because they don't show up in MIRRORS. But I hear that CAMERAS show up in MIRRORS.

just sayin'