This is a guest post that my friend JJ wrote for me. I doubt he realized that this was going to be a guest post, I just needed to do a small commentary on it.
The Guys-Only Camping Trip
A bunch of us guys went camping! It was SO much fun. (See how I did that? Somehow making it uppercase changes everything.) I have lots of pictures, and I'll do my best to add miscellaneous stories in between. Last names are disguised.
It's actually been more than two weeks since the trip. Every day I've looked at my half-written post with dismay. If you're reading this, it means it's been finished! :P
We arrived at the Coops on Thursday night, a day before the camping trip began. After playing a game, Ryan, Andrew and I went on a two-hour walk in the middle of the night. We arrived back at a reasonable hour, though: 2:30am.
Here's my first BIG MISTAKE of the camping trip. Andrew bought a bunch of snacks for the trip, and I was really hungry when we got back from the walk. I went out to the car and stuffed my pocket FULL of orange candy slices and Pringles. (FULL.) Ryan and I talked for the next three hours, and I had them sitting in my picket the entire time... waiting to eat them... they slowly spilled out of my pocket into the sleeping bag.
On Friday, we set up the tents while waiting for other people to arrive. In the late afternoon, when there was a good amount of us together, we shot skeet! I thought it would be nearly impossible, but I shot 5 of them out of the air!
Watching the skeet shooters: (Notice how everyone's squinting at the flying skeet shrapnel, I just turn away.)

The militia:

Levi: (It took me forever to figure out what I was doing when I saw this picture. I guessed that I was planning on inner-tubing with a very small inner-tube. I realized in the next picture what I was hugging.)

Jacob: (See! It was earmuffs. I repeat: I had earmuffs on my midsection.)

Ryan: (These are some really awesome pictures. The lighting and angle is really cool. See how Zack and William are leaning to the right, but Ryan is leaning to the left, looks posed. In fact, don't believe this picture guys. It's too good to be true.)

Swinging on the swings:

Now for the most memorable night of the trip. It was Friday night, nearing midnight. Jacob and I weren't sure what to do. Eventually we decided to go for a walk up the trail. We reached the area where cars were parked and noticed a blanket lying on the ground.
Naturally, we walked over to investigate. It was lying right next to a white car. As we reached down to pick it up, then car lights turned on! Unnerved, we turned around and walked away (figuring someone in the car was simply startled).
However, more of the car's lights turned on and the car began moving! We dashed away and jumped off the main vehicle driving area. You'd like the car would give us a break, right? We're just two scared kids who don't like the idea of getting run over.
The car started full-speed at us. (Okay, it was only like 5mph, but it seemed fast when you're a few yards away.) We stood up and faced our fear. As it turns out, Levi, Andrew and Mr. Coop had been sitting in the car talking! We joined the conversation. (Hah! Yeah right. More like interrupted and started your own. Believe me, we weren't talking about fried vs. roasted Amish chicken before you came.)
One thing led to another, and we all decided to go to a beautiful pier on Lake Huron (and yes, it's like 1am). After fetching Ryan C., we headed off! The lake is beautiful at night. I talked with Jacob, while Andrew/Ryan paired up and Levi/Mr. Coop conversed as well.
I found out later that the latter aforementioned group (are you still following me here? lol) was searched by the police! We left our car door open, there was a knife on the seat, loads of ammunition and guns in the vehicle, etc. No big deal. ;) (Mr. Coops and I hit off real well with the guy. Especially after I figured he was yelling at Mr. Coops and me about taking our hands out of our pockets and stepping towards the front of the squad car. And after I finally corrected myself and informed him that my pistol was indeed not loaded (I don't know how I mis-heard him so many times).)
It's actually been more than two weeks since the trip. Every day I've looked at my half-written post with dismay. If you're reading this, it means it's been finished! :P
We arrived at the Coops on Thursday night, a day before the camping trip began. After playing a game, Ryan, Andrew and I went on a two-hour walk in the middle of the night. We arrived back at a reasonable hour, though: 2:30am.
Here's my first BIG MISTAKE of the camping trip. Andrew bought a bunch of snacks for the trip, and I was really hungry when we got back from the walk. I went out to the car and stuffed my pocket FULL of orange candy slices and Pringles. (FULL.) Ryan and I talked for the next three hours, and I had them sitting in my picket the entire time... waiting to eat them... they slowly spilled out of my pocket into the sleeping bag.
On Friday, we set up the tents while waiting for other people to arrive. In the late afternoon, when there was a good amount of us together, we shot skeet! I thought it would be nearly impossible, but I shot 5 of them out of the air!
Watching the skeet shooters: (Notice how everyone's squinting at the flying skeet shrapnel, I just turn away.)
The militia:
Levi: (It took me forever to figure out what I was doing when I saw this picture. I guessed that I was planning on inner-tubing with a very small inner-tube. I realized in the next picture what I was hugging.)
Jacob: (See! It was earmuffs. I repeat: I had earmuffs on my midsection.)
Ryan: (These are some really awesome pictures. The lighting and angle is really cool. See how Zack and William are leaning to the right, but Ryan is leaning to the left, looks posed. In fact, don't believe this picture guys. It's too good to be true.)
Swinging on the swings:
Now for the most memorable night of the trip. It was Friday night, nearing midnight. Jacob and I weren't sure what to do. Eventually we decided to go for a walk up the trail. We reached the area where cars were parked and noticed a blanket lying on the ground.
Naturally, we walked over to investigate. It was lying right next to a white car. As we reached down to pick it up, then car lights turned on! Unnerved, we turned around and walked away (figuring someone in the car was simply startled).
However, more of the car's lights turned on and the car began moving! We dashed away and jumped off the main vehicle driving area. You'd like the car would give us a break, right? We're just two scared kids who don't like the idea of getting run over.
The car started full-speed at us. (Okay, it was only like 5mph, but it seemed fast when you're a few yards away.) We stood up and faced our fear. As it turns out, Levi, Andrew and Mr. Coop had been sitting in the car talking! We joined the conversation. (Hah! Yeah right. More like interrupted and started your own. Believe me, we weren't talking about fried vs. roasted Amish chicken before you came.)
One thing led to another, and we all decided to go to a beautiful pier on Lake Huron (and yes, it's like 1am). After fetching Ryan C., we headed off! The lake is beautiful at night. I talked with Jacob, while Andrew/Ryan paired up and Levi/Mr. Coop conversed as well.
I found out later that the latter aforementioned group (are you still following me here? lol) was searched by the police! We left our car door open, there was a knife on the seat, loads of ammunition and guns in the vehicle, etc. No big deal. ;) (Mr. Coops and I hit off real well with the guy. Especially after I figured he was yelling at Mr. Coops and me about taking our hands out of our pockets and stepping towards the front of the squad car. And after I finally corrected myself and informed him that my pistol was indeed not loaded (I don't know how I mis-heard him so many times).)
We took this photo (among like 20 similar shots) on the pier:
We decided to head to Wal-Mart (Save Money. Live Better.(That was a good joke JJ. I like the Walmart slogan being added there.)) to get some football socks. Going shopping at 3'o'clock in the morning for sports footwear? Right. ;) We thought about going to Denny's, but Mr. Coop desired to get a few hours of sleep in before morning. (JJ failed to mention that Mr. Coops bought us Snickers which we heartily enjoyed)
Seeing if Wal-Mart had any good hats:
Epic guys photo: (I could really draw attention to something that's taking up a large portion of the foreground, but I won't.)
It did not end well.
Five guys. Four o'clock. Three hours until morning. What to do? Firstly, we decided to visit McDonalds. Upon arriving, we found out they don't open until 5:30. We had an hour to kill. Down the street was a 24/7 car wash, so we hung out there for a while, playing games, taking photos, etc.
Hanging out at the car-wash:
We FINALLY made it to McDonalds.
When you're pulling an all-nighter, you think, "Hey guys this will be fun! Let's do it!!!!1!!!" In the morning, though, you feel awful and all you want is sleep. :P
On this morning, however, we went to Steven's football game! It was a great time. (And his team won.) I slept on the way to the game and on the way back. (Since JJ was sleeping he wasn't able to relate the memories of the little kids in the back seat repeating Tim Hawkins' Youtube lines.)
Steven is #19, the third player on the right: (His team went on to win the tournament.)
Oftentimes the most fun times of trips just happens to be the time that no cameras are around. ;) We played several incredible games of tackle-football on Friday night and Saturday. Tackle football is SO much fun... but we were all as sore as can be.
Shooting the air-soft gun: (I doubt anybody realizes how epic this shot is. It looks like I was just shooting at a dumb tree, but you can't see the leaf that I was really trying to hit.)
Some guys at our camp site: (All the little kids had sort of banded together and made their tallest to be the leader over them (red shirt) )
On Saturday night, at around 9pm, Jacob and I went into our tent and crashed. Have you ever felt pain in your sleep? Well, somehow, I got this incredibly painful headache while sleeping that wouldn't go away. I dreamed of frantically trying to go up to the Coops' house, but I'd just wake up before getting there.
Waking up on Sunday after 12 hours of this nightmare was awesome.
Ryan and Mr. Coop boffering: (I didn't see this happening, so no comment.)
Me with their new cat, Milo. :)
Again, watching the skeet shooters:
Again, the militia:
That's what I said.
We went to the Heys in the afternoon! Playing volleyball:
"DO NOT take my picture..." - I'm sorry Manda. ;)
The guys' group picture:
We spent the night at the Cargs, (JJ failed to mention that we got pizza and candy at the Cargars which we ate while playing the xbox 360 Mr. Cargar rented for us. By going to the Cargar's JJ passed up having bean dip and watching a musical at the Heys.) and left for home in the morning. The End.
(Thanks for the post JJ! It's great!)
After reading this post, I literally said aloud, "That was so good!" You added a lot of the stuff I missed, like snickers and bean dip.
Great post, Levi!
I cannot believe it! Levi actually did a blog post!
Looks like you guys had a great time! Nice post!
Do I note a tinge of sarcasm in your comment Jon?
Hey Jon, do you guys go to Wednesday evening service in Troy? If so what vehicular do you use?
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