I got my first ever speeding ticket. I was going 83 MPH when I should have been going 70. Bad idea. Here's what I've learned:
A while back a wise man, Mr. L was talking with me about how we view the image of Christ. He was explaining how he didn't think it was inappropriate to raise his voice when needed, such as, "HEY, don't DO that! That's STUPID! Someone could get HURT!!!" He did, however, think it was always inappropriate to use swear words or curse words when upset about something.
He then told me how other men believe that you should never raise your voice. From their point of view, you should always keep calm and peaceful. On the other hand, yet other men see it as very appropriate to use curse words at certain times, such as, "@#$%! What are you *$%@ DOING?! @#%!"
Each of the men are doing what they think is right and decent. Each are going as far to express their concern as they consider right. They are all acting as they see Christ would act. Their actions are based off how they view the image of Christ.
The swearing man's problem is that he has the wrong image of Christ. If he thought Jesus would NEVER use profane language and that swearing would be inexcusable for Jesus, he very likely wouldn't do it.
That's why I was speeding. I knew full well I was over the limit. I saw how plenty of other people did it. I didn't think my dad cared much (he does). I thought it was fine to do as long as I wasn't reckless. I could easily picture a modern day Jesus speeding. I didn't think Jesus would really care if I sped or not, no biggie.
But this speeding ticket has really made me think. I now realize now that police do care, it can be more dangerous, it does cost money, we are suppose to obey the government according to the Bible, and, very important, it is a blot against my Christian testimony. This shows me that I had the wrong image of Christ.
In reality, unless in extreme emergency, Jesus would NEVER speed, and for me to go over the limit is inexcusable. It's not a neutral point and He does care.
That's what I learned. Thanks for reading
P.S. Realizing this has made it a lot easier to go the speed limit. I don't even want to go faster. I'm just like, "Ha hah! I'm going the speed limit, move out of the way, slowpoke underachiever."
NO WAY!!!!!
Levi updated his blog!!!!!!!!!
Good points here, and good advice:)
Really well said, Levi. Thanks for sharing!
Where is the "agree" button?
Well said, Levi!
I tell ya levi...I can so relate. Getting a ticket is a very life changing experience.
P.S. Now if you can just get arrested for the other dumb stuff you do, I think you would be a changed man. LOL. :D
@Andrew: LOL!
Yeah, Andrew, did you hear how tomorrow I'm going to rob that bank with my airsoft, swerve on the road with a beer bottle hanging out the window, and call the police occifer a "spinach brain"?
That will forever end all temptation, for alcohol, theft, violence, and name-calling .
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