Sunday, February 24, 2013

Joseph's Storehouse #2

We volunteered again at Joseph's Storehouse, the local low-income food donators. This time some of the guys and I decided to be prayer counselors instead of loading food in cars.

It was pretty neat. Each person that came to get food would be paired up with a prayer counselor or two. Our job was to love on them, be Jesus to them, and pray for them.

There was a few questions we were supposed to ask: "Are you 100% sure you're going to heaven? Are you going to church? What prayer requests to you have?" We could also talk and ask about whatever we felt lead to, so I went straight into who Jesus was to them and what they were putting their trust in for salvation.

Half of it I really enjoyed, because I was able to discuss and share the gospel that were content to listen and interact. Half of it was a burden, because so many professed to be Christians and didn't see themselves lost.

May God work in their hearts!

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