Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Road Trip Home

After telling everyone goodbye and finishing up a few last things, I left Tennessee Thursday the 11th. I drove to the Johnson's in Kentucky and had a nice evening with them. In the morning, a bunch of the Johnson's, James's girl, and I went to Lexington Kentucky to "protest" at the abortion clinic. We held large signs and faced them towards the traffic. A while later, I got Abraham's bullhorn and street preached to the cars stopped at the stoplight. It was really fun! People would roll down their windows and I'd have about 30 seconds to squeeze in as much of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ as I could!

Then I headed of to the ATI headquarters to see the Carriger boys. I got to see where they worked and the people they worked with. I was able to play volleyball, airsoft, and go to the Microsoft store. The best part was meeting and talking with Bill Gothard; he was a lot different than I expected (in a good way). He has mastered the art of being always able to make conversation about interesting and profitable things. On Sunday afternoon I drove home, seeing the Biddingers' along the way.

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