Thursday, December 11, 2008

Every day is Christmas!

Everybody wins!
Well, not everybody, of course. But I did win NaNoWriMo along with a boatload of other people. It was pretty tough getting 50,000 words into November, but it worked out in the end. I'll probably post some stories here after I edit them (which reminds me, I should probably start editing.) I wrote about five short stories dealing with my past hurts that I still have grudges about. Just kidding. They are basically about abnormal events happening to people with spiritual reasons and messages at the end.

There is a lot to be thinking about spiritually. I'll give a short synopsis on my thought-life:
  • Praying with out ceasing is something the Bible tells us to do (1Thes 5:17). It is not very often I get to that point. Lord help me grow closer.
  • "Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor." ~Charles Spurgeon. I've been reading in One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven about evangelism. It's been awhile since I've gotten out there and witnessed; tonight I might be able to!
  • I read a short book, Music, Does It Make Any Difference?, it was written in 1970 and had some funny words. Instead of bands and songs it was combos and numbers. It told some interesting facts and ideas about music and how it relates to the Bible.
  • I've been thinking about the verse about seeing through a glass, darkly (1Cor 13:12). If we did try to understand everything in the world we could end up in a real bind. Imagine how hard some things would be to think through. That may be why God had mercy and didn't tell us everything by writing it in the Bible. Unsaved people have a very hard time explaining some things, but we have this little supernatural God box that we can put those mind-wrenching mysteries into. It brings peace.

I will try to get a story up soon. I may put it in sections. We'll see.

God bless and goodbye!


Anonymous said...

Love the blog background, Levi!

It's great!

Anonymous said...

Levi, I just read the post, and yes, the actual post this time. ;) It was good, and even made me laugh (my past hurts that I still have grudges about). :D

I look forward to reading it if you post some of your stories. Especially because I take credit of the story about the future (and did you leave Andrew's comments in there?).

God bless, J.J.

Levi Bendixen said...

I actually probably wont be posting that futuristic story for a while. It wasn't as finished as the others. We'll see!

Anonymous said...

Good post. I should be using that "supernatural God-box" more often. What a trap of... I wouldn't call it logic, more of circular thinking I tend to fall into when trying to figure out everything... anyway, good thoughts!

Merry Christmas!

Andrew Biddinger said...

Levi, Levi... You know that I had just as much as scrapes and bruises. Good try. :-) That was the best Christmas ever!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, as my friend would like to call it, a "ponder" post. The dark glass and the praying unceasingly, very interesting.