This is a really great video from Paul Washer that I found recently. The video wasn't recorded the best, but it is a really good message to all of us. The Bible says to flee from lust, not fight with it. I like how far he goes into keeping yourself pure. Godly message.
I couldn't watch the video, because with our dial up it would take about an hour to load. But I really like what you said he said about what the Bible says about fleeing from lust. That is totally the way we should be.
Maybe when I'm over someone else's house with faster Internet I'll watch it.;)
Levi, I can't yell RIGHT ON loud enough, The one on sexual sin is so hard core. I don't know how to tell everyone without talking face to face how good it is.
I couldn't watch the video, because with our dial up it would take about an hour to load. But I really like what you said he said about what the Bible says about fleeing from lust. That is totally the way we should be.
Maybe when I'm over someone else's house with faster Internet I'll watch it.;)
Very AWESOME truths Levi! Thanks. :D
Levi, I can't yell RIGHT ON loud enough, The one on sexual sin is so hard core. I don't know how to tell everyone without talking face to face how good it is.
God bless Bro,
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